Thursday, August 11, 2011

Welcome to ACAVE

 This website is the new venture of the Facebook Group A.C.A.V.E ~ Augusta Citizens Against Virtually Everything. But don't let the name fool you... one of the group founders, Brad Owens, explains:  


This group is one based on comments from Mayor Deke "Ironman" Copenhaver of Augusta, GA who called folks who oppose his new stadium proposal for downtown as "cave" people (Citizens Against Virtually Everything). Jill Peterson and I thought that is was funny that supporting the existing stadium was somehow a "negative" thing.

So the name is 'tongue-in-cheek' and in reality we want this group to be a 'support network' for those of us who want to see progress in Augusta. We want to support changes needed to help improve the entire community.

We are opposed to fraud, waste, abuse, ignorance, hate, crime, blight, and corruption in our local government.

We are opposed to weak and ineffective leadership on issues that require strength and direct action.

We are opposed to rewarding incompetence

We are opposed to doing nothing about the real problems in Augusta while the people are suffering.

We are opposed to the wants of the few taking precedence over the needs of the many.

We want to build an organization that will provide information for those who want to know, and action on issues we feel that we must be heard on.

We want to shine the light on the dark areas of local politics, open a window into the smoky back room, and step on the cockroaches when we find them. And trust me, when the lights come on, the roaches scurry.

Our mottos shall be,

"Need before Wants"

"Truth before Spin"

"Action not Talk"

"Unite and Fight against the C.A.B.A.L."

Corrupt Abusers Bilking All Loot (C.A.B.A.L) see? We can have fun with the mayors little game he started.

I hope this group will become something that will make a difference, with everyone putting aside the petty differences and seeing that we have much more in common that the C.A.B.A.L. wants you to think.

~Brad Owens

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